To champion the development and achievement of the Oregon Swimming community.
P.O. Box 449
West Linn, OR 97068
Minor Athlete Abuse Protection Policy
USA Swimming Member clubs are required to implement the USA Swimming Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP) in full by June 23, 2019. Many teams will have to update their travel policies to accommodate these changes.

THIS POLICY APPLIES TO: All USA Swimming non-athlete members and adult athlete members;
Participating non-members (e.g., meet marshals, meet computer operators, timers, etc.); 
LSC and club adult staff and board members; and 
Any other adult authorized to have regular contact with or authority over minor athletes. Collectively "Applicable Adult(s)"

GENERAL REQUIREMENT USA Swimming member clubs and LSCs are required to implement this Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy in full. The Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy must be reviewed and agreed to in writing by all athletes, parents, coaches and other non-athlete members of member clubs on an annual basis with such written agreement to be retained by the club.

Please read all documents carefully. Many sections of MAAPP are very closely aligned with USA Swimming rules, Model Policies and published Best Practice Guidelines. Now, rather than recommended practices, they are USA Swimming requirements.

**NOTE**: All adult athlete members (athletes 18&O) will now be required to complete Athlete Protection Training or their memberships will become invalid. All adult members - athlete and non-athlete - will be required to complete the training annually. 

MAAPP contains five sections: one-on-one interactions, travel, social media and electronic communications, locker rooms and changing areas and massage, rubdowns and athletic training modalities. Please read below for the Policy and other education materials. 

Here is a pdf with instructions to help guide you through the process of becoming compliant.

Minor Athlete Abuse Protection Policy

Applicable Adults
Locker Rooms & Changing Areas
Social Media & Electronic Communication 
Massages & Rubdowns
One on One Interactions
Travel: Local & Team

USA swimming has added some new info to their website regarding language that needs to be included in the meet information for sanctioning of the meet, information for volunteers at the meet (marshals, timers, etc), and sample forms. Please have your coaches, team managers, and board members review this information before they take affect June 23rd.